WTTC Responds to Latest Quarantine Announcements by Greece and Portugal

WTTC Responds to Latest Quarantine Announcements by Greece and Portugal - TRAVELINDEXLondon, United Kingdom, September 7, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO, said: “WTTC shares the bewilderment of British holidaymakers and those working throughout the Travel & Tourism sector, at the absurd spectacle of completely different quarantine rules in England, Scotland and Wales for those now returning back from Greece. A similar situation is emerging with Portugal.

“This public policy lottery is creating chaos. It shows confusion, mistrust and further seriously undermines the government’s credibility in the eyes of the public.

“We urgently need to restore the confidence to travel, not create more uncertainty. It is vital we have a properly coordinated response across the UK, which people – and the Travel & Tourism sector – can both understand and have confidence in.

“Blanket quarantines are disruptive, unhelpful and have a devastating economic impact. Unfortunately, there has been no plan from the government on how to abandon them and focus instead on reopening ‘air corridors’ between cities which have similar low coronavirus infection rates to revive international business and leisure travel responsibly.

“WTTC does welcome the government’s £500 million package for COVID-19 testing. Investing in a comprehensive testing programme for travellers will be less expensive than the economic cost brought on by blanket quarantines, with its devastating impact on jobs and the millions of livelihoods that depend on this sector.”

First published at TravelCommunication.net – Global Travel News

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